General Information:
In St. Seachnall's National School we cater for Junior Infants to Sixth Class. We have a staff of teachers, twenty four mainstream class teachers, 11 Special Educational Needs teachers, admin Deputy Principal (Lisa Calvey) and the Principal (Ciara Whelan). We also have 4.16 Special Needs Assistants and a classroom assistant. Our ancillary staff is made up of our school secretaries, Maureen Doherty & Susan Priest and Caretaker, Pat Woods.
School Hours:
Junior Infants: 9:10 - 1:50
Senior Infants: 9:10 - 1:50
Rang 1: 9:10 - 2:50
Rang 2 - Rang 6: 9:20 - 3:00
- All classes line up in the main yard at the back of the school.
- There is no yard supervision before the start time and the school will not be liable for any accidents that may occur in the schoolyard.
- Pupils arriving in the morning after the gates close will enter by the front door and record in the Secretary’s office the reason for their late arrival.
- Children and parents are asked to enter and leave the school by the Supple Park entrance or St. Patrick's Hall entrance.
- Parents and guardians are asked not to drive their car into the school grounds during school hours or near opening or closing times.
- Cycling is not allowed in the schoolyard, or on the Supple Park, entrance at any time.
- When crossing the main street, wait until the Lollipop Man has brought all traffic to a stop before you cross. Always cross the main street where the Lollipop Man is working.
Entry to the School
- All gates will be open from about 8:15 a.m. each morning to cater for students and staff in the Centre for European Schooling. They will remain open until 9:30 a.m.
- At 9:30 a.m. all three gates will be closed and anyone wishing to enter the school after that time must enter via the front door.
- Anyone arriving late or needing to enter the school during the school day will have to go to the front door and use the buzzer. Our Secretary will check the visitor via the intercom and TV monitor before opening the door.
- All visitors will go to the Secretary’s office to explain their business before going to any classroom or other part of the school building.
Pupils Leaving School Early
- Parents/guardians calling during the day to take pupils home early for any reason must report to the Secretary’s office and record the reason for taking pupils out early.
- If a child is absent from school for any reason, a note of explanation should be uploaded on Aladdin. If a child is absent for a total of 20 days or more during the school year, the school is obliged to notify the National Education Welfare Board.
- Parents should complete an Application for Enrolment form and include a Birth Certificate and Baptismal Certificate if relevant with their application.
- Completing an Application for Enrolment Form does not entitle the child to a place in the school. Each year the Principal on behalf of the Board sets a closing date for applications, usually in February, and once the date is reached, places are offered to qualified applicants. In the event that there are more applicants than there are places the Board will allocate the places as per the Enrolment Policy. See full policy under Policies and Forms.
Centre for European Schooling (CES)
- The Centre for European Schooling caters for children whose parents work for the Food and Veterinary Office in Grange, Dunsany.
- Those children are part of our mainstream classes for most subjects but instead of studying Irish they study their mother tongue, i.e. one of the languages of the member countries of the European Union.
- The CES was officially opened in June 2003 by then Minister for Education, Mr. Noel Dempsey.
- Ms. Nollaig Gavin the Director of the CES.