Obair bhaile 18 Bealtaine 2022
Mental Maths, Week 32 Wednesday Tables 12 multiplication and division |
Spellings 'al', 'au', 'aw'
thaw salt drawn laundry halt hawk sauce haul |
an t-earrach - spring an samhradh - summer an fómhar - autumn an geimhreadh - winter |
Obair bhaile 16 Bealtaine 2022
Mental Maths, Week 32 Monday Tables 12 multiplication and division |
Spellings 'al', 'au', 'aw'
halt hawk sauce haul |
an fómhar - autumn an geimhreadh - winter |
Obair bhaile 12 Bealtaine 2022
Mental Maths, Week 31 Thursday Tables 11 multiplication and division |
Spellings 'a' for 'o'
wallet squad squat quality swap waft swamp wand |
go minic - often Is fearr liom ..... - I prefer |
Obair bhaile 10th Bealtaine 2022
Comprehension Cards Tables 11 multiplication and division |
Spellings 'a' for 'o'
swap waft swamp wand |
Is fearr liom ..... - I prefer |
Obair bhaile 4th Bealtaine 2022
Mental Maths Week 30 Wednesday Tables 6 multiplication and 6 division |
Spellings 'y' for 'i' sound
pyramid symbol cymbal system myth lynx lyrics syrup |
Tá mé ag eitilt eitleoige - I am flying the kite Tá na duilleoga ag titim - The leaves are falling |
Obair bhaile 28 Aibreán 2022
Comprehension Card |
Spellings 'ie' for 'ee' sound
audience briefcase unbelievable believe achieve diesel thieves shield grief relief priest field chief piece brief |
go dona - bad scamall - cloud ag cur sneachta - snowing preachta leis an bhfuacht - freezing an ghrian - the sun ag cur baistí - raining aimsir - weather an ghaoth - the wind |
Obair bhaile 27 Aibreán 2022
Mental Maths, Week 29 Wednesday Tables - 7 division and multiplication |
Spellings 'ie' for 'ee' sound
believe achieve diesel thieves shield grief relief priest field chief piece brief |
ag cur sneachta - snowing preachta leis an bhfuacht - freezing an ghrian - the sun ag cur baistí - raining aimsir - weather an ghaoth - the wind |
Obair bhaile 26 Aibreán 2022
Comprehension Card Tables - 7 division and multiplication |
Spellings 'ie' for 'ee' sound
shield grief relief priest field chief piece brief |
an ghrian - the sun ag cur baistí - raining aimsir - weather an ghaoth - the wind |
Obair bhaile 25 Aibreán 2022
Mental Maths, Week 29 Monday Tables - 7 division and multiplication |
Spellings 'ie' for 'ee' sound
field chief piece brief |
aimsir - weather an ghaoth - the wind |
Obair bhaile 6 Aibreán 2022
Mental Maths, Week 28 Wednesday Reading - read up to (see homework journal) Tables 8 multiplication and division |
Spellings short 'a' sound
plaster pyjamas disaster piranha nasty sultana chance drama ask vase lava bath |
dúghorm - navy liath - grey corcra - purple bandearg - pink donn - brown oráiste - orange |
Obair bhaile 5 Aibreán 2022
Comprehension Cards Reading - read up to (see homework journal) Table 8 multiplication and division |
Spellings short 'a' sound
nasty sultana chance drama ask vase lava bath |
corcra - purple bandearg - pink |
Obair bhaile 4 Aibreán 2022
Mental Maths, Week 28 Monday Reading - read up to (see homework journal) Table 8 multiplication and division |
Spellings short 'a' sound
ask vase lava bath |
dubh - black bán - white |
Obair bhaile 31 Márta 2022
Comprehension Card Reading - read up to (see homework journal) Table 7 multiplication and division |
Spellings 'u' for 'ue'
usual computer unicorn unicycle tulip emu human music unit tuna duet menu |
donn - brown oráiste - orange |
Obair bhaile 29 Márta 2022
Comprehension Card Reading - read up to (see homework journal) Tables 7 multiplication and division |
Spellings 'u' for 'ue'
tulip emu human music unit tuna duet menu |
buí - yellow dearg - red glas - green gorm - blue |
Obair bhaile 28 Márta 2022
Mental Maths, Week 27 - Monday Reading - Read up to page (see homework journal) Tables: 7 multiplication and division |
Spellings 'u' for 'ue'
unit tuna duet menu |
glas - green gorm - blue |
Obair bhaile 24 Márta 2022
Mental Maths, Week 26 - Thursday Reading - Read up to page (see homework journal) Tables: 6 multiplication and division |
radios videos tornado volcano |
An Aoine - Friday An Satharn - Saturday An Domhnach - Sunday |
Obair bhaile 23 Márta 2022
Comprehension cards Reading - Read up to page (see homework journal) Tables: 6 multiplication and division |
echo hello mango pianos |
An Chéadaoin - Wednesday An Déardaoin - Thursday |
Obair bhaile 22 Márta 2022
Spellings for the week: "o, os, oes" ago hero dodo zero echo hello mango pianos radios videos tornado volcano |
An Luan - Monday An Mháirt - Tuesday An Chéadaoin - Wednesday An Déardaoin - Thursday An Aoine - Friday An Satharn - Saturday An Domhnach - Sunday |
6 multiplication and division |
Obair bhaile 15 Márta 2022
No written work tonight Reading - Read up to page (see homework journal) Tables: 2 and 4 multiplication and division |
Spellings 'o' for 'oa'
total clover mosaic cocoa open oval only poem |
seamróg - shamrock paráid - parade Naomh Pádraig - St Patrick Lá Fhéile Phádraig - Happy St Patrick's Day |
Obair bhaile 14 Márta 2022
Mental Maths, Week 25, Monday Reading - Read up to page (see homework journal) Tables: 2 and 4 multiplication and division |
Spellings 'o' for 'oa'
open oval only poem |
Litriú Naomh Pádraig - St Patrick Lá Fhéile Phádraig - Happy St Patrick's Day |
Obair bhaile 10 Márta 2022
Comprehension card Reading - Read up to page (see homework journal) Tables: 3 and 6 multiplication and division |
Spellings 'i'e for 'ie'
horizon pirate diary Viking idea wild behind spider icy icon diet child |
naonúr - 9 people deichniúr - 10 people |
Obair bhaile 9 Márta 2022
Mental Maths, Week 24, Wednesday Reading - Read up to page (see homework journal) Tables: 3 and 6 multiplication and division |
Spellings 'i'e for 'ie'
idea wild behind spider icy icon diet child |
cúigear - five people seisear - six people seachtar - seven people ochtar - eight people |
Obair bhaile 7 Márta 2022
Mental Maths, Week 24, Monday Reading - Read up to page (see homework journal) Tables: 3 and 6 multiplication and division |
Spellings 'i'e for 'ie'
icy icon diet child |
cúigear - five people seisear - six people |
Obair bhaile 2 Márta 2022
Mental Maths, Week 23, Wednesday English in Practice, Day 88 Tables: 8 multiplication and division |
Spellings 'e' for 'ee'
recent media create medium fever regal female prefect evil secret legal |
triúr - three people ceathrar - four people duine amháin - one person beirt - two people |
Obair bhaile 1 Márta 2022
Comprehension Cards Tables: 8 multiplication and division |
Spellings 'e' for 'ee'
fever regal female prefect evil secret legal |
duine amháin - one person beirt - two people |
Obair bhaile 28 Feabhra 2022
Mental Maths, Week 23, Monday English in Practice, Day 86 Tables: 8 multiplication and division |
Spellings 'e' for 'ee'
evil secret legal |
Obair bhaile 17 Feabhra 2022
Comprehension Cards Tables: 9 multiplication and division |
Spellings 'a' for 'ai'
haste pastry stable acorn crazy taste basic baby |
Spellings List 2
bake cake make lake face pace lace race |
tá ............... ar súil - ....... is on ciúnas - quiet ruga - rug tá áthas ar... - .... is happy |
Obair bhaile 15 Feabhra 2022
Comprehension Cards Tables: 9 multiplication and division |
Spellings 'a' for 'ai'
crazy taste basic baby |
Spellings List 2
face pace lace race |
ruga - rug tá áthas ar... - .... is happy |
Obair bhaile 10 Feabhra 2022
Comprehension Card Tables: 6 multiplication and division |
Spellings 'able'
miserable noticeable changeable disposable lovable irritable enjoyable debatable adaptable dependable breakable usable avoidable profitable available portable |
Spellings - List 2
five hive dive wife life wife pile tile fire wire rise wise |
cainéal - channel leadrán - clár teilifíse - tv programme lampa - lamp seifeanna - shelves callaire - speaker |
Obair bhaile 9 Feabhra 2022
Mental Maths, Week 21, Wednesday English in Practice, Day 82 Tables: 6 multiplication and division |
Spellings 'able'
lovable irritable enjoyable debatable adaptable dependable breakable usable avoidable profitable available portable |
Spellings - List 2
life wife pile tile fire wire rise wise |
clár teilifíse - tv programme lampa - lamp seifeanna - shelves callaire - speaker |
Obair bhaile 8 Feabhra
Comprehension card - complete questions Tables 6 multiplication and division |
Spellings 'able'
adaptable dependable breakable usable avoidable profitable available portable |
Spellings - List 2
life wife pile tile fire wire rise wise |
clár teilifíse - tv programme lampa - lamp seifeanna - shelves callaire - speaker |
Obair bhaile 7 Feabhra 2022
Mental Maths, Week 21, Monday English in Practice, Day 80 Tables: 6 multiplication and division |
Spellings 'able'
avoidable profitable available portable |
Spellings - List 2
life wife pile tile |
seifeanna - shelves callaire - speaker |
Obair bhaile 3 Feabhra 2022
Mental Maths, Week 20, Thursday English in Practice, Day 79 Tables: 3 multiplication and division |
Spellings 'less'
aimless flawless worthless fearless useless helpless endless painless |
Spellings - List 2
rice dice mice nice hide tide side wide |
cluiche - game an t-am - tire rialtán - remote control clár ceoil - music programme |
Obair bhaile 2 Feabhra 2022
Mental Maths, Week 20, Wednesday English in Practice, Day 78 Tables: 3 multiplication and division |
Spellings 'less'
useless helpless endless painless |
Spellings - List 2
rice dice mice nice |
rialtán - remote control clár ceoil - music programme |
Obair bhaile 26 Eanáir 2022
Mental Maths, Week 19, Wednesday English in Practice, Day 74 Tables: 3 multiplication and division |
Spellings 'se', 'ze' and 'z'
browse bronze cause pause freeze wheeze breeze noise ooze sneeze cheese choose |
five hive dive bite fire wire rise wise life wife pile tile |
carbhat - tie moncaí - monkey fear grinn - clown ar dtus - first of all/ firstly puball - tent maistir an sorcas - circus master |
Obair bhaile 25 Eanáir 2022
Mental Maths, Week 19, Tuesday English in Practice, Day 73 Tables: 3 multiplication and division |
Spellings 'se', 'ze' and 'z'
freeze wheeze breeze noise ooze sneeze cheese choose |
fire wire rise wise life wife pile tile |
fear grinn - clown ar dtus - first of all/ firstly puball - tent maistir an sorcas - circus master |
Obair bhaile 24 Eanáir 2022
Mental Maths, Week 19, Monday English in Practice, Day 72 Tables: 3 multiplication and division |
Spellings 'se', 'ze' and 'z'
ooze sneeze cheese choose |
life wife pile tile |
puball - tent maistir an sorcas - circus master |
Obair bhaile 20 Eanáir 2022
Mental Maths, Week 18, Thursday English in Practice, Day 71 Tables: 4 multiplication and division |
Spellings 's' for 'z'
phase invisible business inquisitive misery present president raspberry prison dismal cosmic positive easy busy nose result |
Spellings list 2
mine fine line wine bike like hike pike hide tide side wide mice dice rice nice |
An maith leat? - Do you like Is / Ní maith liom - I like / I don't like bainis - wedding cuireadh - invitation hata teolaí - warm hat scathán - mirror compordach - comfortable Fuair mé - I got |
Obair bhaile 19 Eanáir 2022
Mental Maths, Week 18, Wednesday English in Practice, Day 70 Tables: 4 multiplication and division |
Spellings 's' for 'z'
misery present president raspberry prison dismal cosmic positive easy busy nose result |
Spellings list 2
bike like hike pike hide tide side wide mice dice rice nice |
An maith leat? - Do you like Is / Ní maith liom - I like / I don't like bainis - wedding cuireadh - invitation hata teolaí - warm hat scathán - mirror |
Obair bhaile 18 Eanáir 2022
Mental Maths, Week 18, Tuesday English in Practice, Day 69 Tables: 4 multiplication and division |
Spellings 's' for 'z'
prison dismal cosmic positive easy busy nose result |
Spellings list 2
hide tide side wide mice dice rice nice |
An maith leat? - Do you like Is / Ní maith liom - I like / I don't like bainis - wedding cuireadh - invitation |
Obair bhaile 17 Eanáir 2022
Mental Maths, Week 18, Monday English in Practice, Day 68 Tables: 4 multiplication and division |
Spellings 's' for 'z'
easy busy nose result |
Spellings list 2
mice dice rice nice |
An maith leat? - Do you like Is / Ní maith liom - I like / I don't like |
Obair bhaile 13 Eanáir 2022
Mental Maths, Week 17, Thursday English in Practice, Day 67 Tables: 8 multiplication and division |
Spellings 'qu' words
conquest equipment eloquent equator squeeze squirrel squash aquatic liquid squeak quite quarrel quiver equal request quote |
Spellings list 2
fade made lane cane gave pave save wave care dare fare bare gate hate date late |
riteoga - tights blús - blouse bróga reatha - runners t-léine - t-shirt geansaí - jumper / jersey speaclaí gréine - sunglasses sciorta bríste |
Obair bhaile 12 Eanáir 2022
Mental Maths, Week 17, Wednesday English in Practice, Day 66 Tables: 8 multiplication and division |
Spellings 'qu' words
squeeze squirrel squash aquatic liquid squeak quite quarrel quiver equal request quote |
Spellings list 2
gave pave save wave care dare fare bare gate hate date late |
riteoga - tights blús - blouse bróga reatha - runners t-léine - t-shirt geansaí - jumper / jersey speaclaí gréine - sunglasses sciorta - skirt bríste - trousers |
Obair bhaile 11 Eanáir 2022
Mental Maths, Week 17, Tuesday English in Practice, Day 65 Tables: 8 multiplication and division |
Spellings 'qu' words
liquid squeak quite quarrel quiver equal request quote |
Spellings list 2
care dare fare bare gate hate date late |
geansaí - jumper / jersey speaclaí gréine - sunglasses sciorta bríste |
Obair bhaile 10 Eanáir 2022
Mental Maths, Week 17, Monday English in Practice, Day 64 Tables: 8 multiplication and division |
Spellings 'qu' words
quiver equal request quote |
Spellings list 2
gate hate date late |
sciorta bríste |
Obair bhaile 16 Nollaig
Mental Maths, Week 15, Thursday English in Practice, Day 60 Tables: x 9 |
'le' words
terrible knuckle disable obstacle puzzle angle jungle horrible simple eagle beetle handle |
gale sale pale tale bake cake make lake face lace pace race |
tá tuirse orm - I'm tired tá tart orm - I'm thirsty siopa milseán - sweet shop Cheannaigh mé - I bought faoin - under in aice leis - beside |
Practise tin whistle for Christmas
Obair bhaile 14 Nollaig
Mental Maths, Week 15, Tuesday English in Practice, Day 59 Tables: x 9 |
'le' words
puzzle angle jungle horrible simple eagle beetle handle |
bake cake make lake face lace pace race |
siopa milseán - sweet shop Cheannaigh mé - I bought faoin - under in aice leis - beside |
Practice tin whistle - different notes and Jingle Bells
Obair bhaile 13 Nollaig
Mental Maths, Week 15, Monday English in Practice, Day 58 Tables: x 9 |
'le' words
simple eagle beetle handle |
face lace pace race |
faoin - under in aice leis - beside |
Obair bhaile 8 Nollaig
Mental Maths, Week 14, Wednesday English in Practice, Day 57 Tables: x 6 |
'dge' words
badger bridge budge gadget edge judge sledge badge |
Spellings - List 2
coal goal foal loaf boat coat goat oats |
Cá bhfuil - Where is? Rinne mé dearmad - I forgot siopa leabhar - book shop siopa eadaí - clothes shop |
Obair bhaile 6 Nollaig
Mental Maths, Week 14, Monday English in Practice, Day 55 Tables: x10 |
'dge' words
edge judge sledge badge |
Spellings - List 2
boat coat goat oats |
siopa leabhar - book shop siopa eadaí - clothes shop |
Tin Whistle: Practise at home - Jingle Bells the second verse and practise notes A - D
Obair bhaile 2 Nollaig
Mental Maths, Week 13, Thursday English in Practice, Day 54 Tables: x10 |
'tch' words
watch stretch ketchup scratch butcher switch sketch crutches match hutch kitchen snatch itch catch fetch witch |
Spellings - List 2
rink pink link sink wing king sing ring four pour town down head dead deaf tear |
Bhuail mé - I met / I hit breagáin - toys síofra - elf maisiúcháin - decorations crann Nollag - Christmas tree réinfhia - reindeer Nollaig - Christmas bronntanais - presents |
Obair bhaile 1 Nollaig
Mental Maths, Week 13, Wednesday English in Practice, Day 53 Tables: x10 |
'tch' words
butcher switch sketch crutches match hutch kitchen snatch itch catch fetch witch |
Spellings - List 2
wing king sing ring four pour town down head dead deaf tear |
síofra - elf maisiúcháin - decorations crann Nollag - Christmas tree réinfhia - reindeer Nollaig - Christmas bronntanais - presents |
Practise tin whistle from A to D.
Obair bhaile 30 Samhain
Mental Maths, Week 13, Tuesday English in Practise, Day 52 Tables: x10 |
'tch' words
match hutch kitchen snatch itch catch fetch witch |
Spellings - List 2
four pour town down head dead deaf tear |
crann Nollag - Christmas tree réinfhia - reindeer Nollaig - Christmas bronntanais - presents |
Practise tin whistle from A to D.
Obair bhaile 29 Samhain
Mental Maths, Week 13, Monday English in Practise, Day 51 Tables: x10 |
'tch' words
itch catch fetch witch |
Spellings - List 2
head dead deaf tear |
Nollaig - Christmas bronntanais - presents |
Practise tin whistle from A to D.
Obair bhaile 25 Samhain
Mental Maths, Week 12, Thursday English in Practise, Day 49 Tables: x5 |
soft "g"
urgency dungeon emergency gymnastics magical strange energy gender stage giraffe engine germ page margin angel digital |
List 2 took foot good wood book hook cook look bean mean heap read gear hear near year |
Dúirt mé - I said Thosaigh mé - I started ag súgradh - playing leabharlann - library ag tarraingt - drawing ag labhairt - speaking cispheil - basketball Béarla - English (the language) |
Obair bhaile 24 Samhain
Mental Maths, Week 12, Wednesday English in Practise, Day 48 Tables: x5 |
oft "g"
magical strange energy gender stage giraffe engine germ page margin angel digital |
List 2 book hook cook look bean mean heap read gear hear near year |
ag súgradh - playing leabharlann - library ag tarraingt - drawing ag labhairt - speaking cispheil - basketball Béarla - English (the language) |
Obair bhaile 25 Samhain
Mental Maths, Week 12, Tuesday English in Practise, Day 47 Tables: x5 |
Obair bhaile 23 Samhain
Mental Maths, Week 12, Tuesday English in Practise, Day 47 Tables: x5 |
soft "g"
stage giraffe engine germ page margin angel digital |
List 2 bean mean heap read gear hear near year |
ag tarraingt - drawing ag labhairt - speaking cispheil - basketball Béarla - English (the language) |
Obair bhaile 22 Samhain
Mental Maths, Week 12, Monday English in Practise, Day 46 Tables: x5 |
soft "g"
page margin angel digital |
List 2 gear hear near year |
cispheil Béarla |
Obair bhaile 18 Samhain
Mental Maths, Week 11, Thursday English in Practise, Day 45 Tables: x9 |
soft "c"
accident medicine cereal vacancy voice silence bounce incident cancel princess office palace race space since twice |
List 2 beam team dear fear beat heat meat neat hand band land sand dawn fawn lawn yawn |
Fuair mé - I got Rinne mé - I did D'ól mé - I drank D'fhán mé - I stayed D'éist mé - I heard D'fhág mé - I left ag léamh - reading ag scríobh - writing |
Obair bhaile 17 Samhain
Mental Maths, Week 11, Wednesday English in Practise, Day 44 Tables: x9 |
soft "c"
voice silence bounce incident cancel princess office palace race space since twice |
List 2 beat heat meat neat hand band land sand dawn fawn lawn yawn |
D'ól mé - I drank D'fhán mé - I stayed D'éist mé - I heard D'fhág mé - I left ag léamh - reading ag scríobh - writing |
Obair bhaile 16 Samhain
Mental Maths, Week 11, Tuesday English in Practise, Day 43 Tables: x9 |
soft "c"
cancel princess office palace race space since twice |
List 2 dawn fawn lawn yawn |
D'éist mé - I heard D'fhág mé - I left ag léamh - reading ag scríobh - writing |
Obair bhaile 15 Samhain
Mental Maths, Week 11, Monday English in Practise, Day 42 Tables: x9 |
soft "c"
race space since twice |
List 2 dawn fawn lawn yawn |
ag léamh - reading ag scríobh - writing |
Obair bhaile 11 Samhain
Mental Maths, Week 10, Thursday English in Practise, Day 41 Tables: x8 |
"n" for "ng"
trunk sunken anchor blanket anger skunk tanker junk finger hunger angler extinct stinking anguish single distinctive |
List 2 bean mean heap read gear hear near year cook book hook look took foot good wood |
clár bán - whiteboard múinteoir - teacher An féidir leat? - Can you Is féidir liom. - I can bréagán - toy tuismitheoirí - parents bhuaigh mé - I won cheannaigh mé - I bought |
Obair bhaile 9 Samhain
Mental Maths, Week 10, Tuesday English in Practise, Day 39 Tables: x8 |
"n" for "ng"
trunk sunken anchor blanket anger skunk tanker junk |
List 2 bean mean heap read gear hear near year |
Litriú clár bán - whiteboard múinteoir - teacher An féidir leat? - Can you Is féidir liom. - I can |
Obair bhaile 8 Samhain
Mental Maths, Week 10, Monday English in Practise, Day 38 Tables: x8 |
"n" for "ng"
anger skunk tanker junk |
List 2 gear hear near year |
clár bán - whiteboard múinteoir - teacher |
Obair bhaile 4 Samhain
Mental Maths, Week 9, Thursday English in Practise, Day 37 Tables: x4 |
Chinese centipede obsolete intervene athlete concrete supreme impede scheme stampede complete extreme gene these recede delete |
List 2 raid maid paid laid hair pair fair wait sail tail rail nail pain main rain gain |
cuirtíní - curtains lampa - lamp leaba - bed cathaoir - chair cófra - cupboard piliúr - pillow clog - clock deasc - desk |
Obair bhaile 3 Samhain
Mental Maths, Week 9, Wednesday English in Practise, Day 36 Tables: x4 |
athlete concrete supreme impede scheme stampede complete extreme gene these recede delete |
List 2 hair pair fair wait sail tail rail nail pain main rain gain |
cuirtíní - curtains lampa - lamp leaba - bed cathaoir - chair cófra - cupboard piliúr - pillow |
Obair bhaile 2 Samhain
Mental Maths, Week 9, Tuesday English in Practise, Day 35 Tables: x4 |
scheme stampede complete extreme gene these recede delete |
List 2 sail tail rail nail pain main rain gain |
leaba - bed cathaoir - chair cófra - cupboard piliúr - pillow |
Obair bhaile 1 Samhain
Mental Maths, Week 9, Monday English in Practise, Day 34 Tables: x4 |
gene these recede delete |
List 2 sail tail rail nail |
leaba - bed cathaoir - chair |
Obair bhaile 21 Deireadh Fómhair
Mental Maths, Week 8, Thursday English in Practise, Day 33 Tables: x6 |
Spellings (ue, ew, u_e)
List 1 avenue attitude costume absolute pollute volume newt fortune threw fewer bluebell venue cue flute amuse statue |
List 2 fish dish wish push roof room moon poor cool fool boot food feed seed weed need |
seomra codlata folcadán Chonaic mé - I saw bob nó bia - trick or treat Ghlan mé - I cleaned Nigh mé - I washed bun - bottom barr - top |
Obair bhaile 20 Deireadh Fómhair
Mental Maths, Week 8, Wednesday English in Practise, Day 32 Tables: x6 |
Spellings (ue, ew, u_e)
List 1 pollute volume newt fortune threw fewer bluebell venue cue flute amuse statue |
List 2 roof room moon poor cool fool boot food feed seed weed need |
Chonaic mé - I saw bob nó bia - trick or treat Ghlan mé - I cleaned Nigh mé - I washed bun - bottom barr - top |
Obair bhaile 19 Deireadh Fómhair
Mental Maths, Week 8, Tuesday English in Practise, Day 31 Tables: x6 |
Spellings (ue, ew, u_e)
List 1 threw fewer bluebell venue cue flute amuse statue |
List 2 cool fool boot food feed seed weed need |
Ghlan mé - I cleaned Nigh mé - I washed bun - bottom barr - top |
Obair bhaile 18 Deireadh Fómhair
Mental Maths, Week 8, Monday English in Practise, Day 30 Tables: x6 |
Spellings (ue, ew, u_e)
List 1 cue flute amuse statue |
List 2 feed seed weed need |
bun - bottom barr - top |
Obair bhaile 14 Deireadh Fómhair
Mental Maths, Week 7, Thursday English in Practise, Day 29 Tables: x3 |
Spellings (oa, ow, o_e):
List 1 rainbow approach tightrope envelope homework moaning shadow slowest owner alone follow explode float joke croak elbow |
List 2 deep keep weep jeer beef deer week seem feel heel peel reel boss moss loss toss |
puimcín - pumpkin scuab - brush fearg - angry crosta - cross Oíche Shamhna - Halloween cailleach - witch bricfeasta - breakfast lón - lunch |
Obair bhaile 13 Deireadh Fómhair
Mental Maths, Week 7, Wednesday English in Practise, Day 28 Tables: x3 |
Spellings (oa, ow, o_e):
List 1 homework moaning shadow slowest owner alone follow explode float joke croak elbow |
List 2 beef deer week seem feel heel peel reel boss moss loss toss |
fearg - angry crosta - cross Oíche Shamhna - Halloween cailleach - witch bricfeasta - breakfast lón - lunch |
Obair bhaile 12 Deireadh Fómhair
Mental Maths, Week 7, Tuesday English in Practise, Day 27 Tables: x3 |
Spellings (oa, ow, o_e):
List 1 owner alone follow explode float joke croak elbow |
List 2 feel heel peel reel boss moss loss toss |
Oíche Shamhna - Halloween cailleach - witch bricfeasta - breakfast lón - lunch |
Obair bhaile 11 Deireadh Fómhair
Mental Maths, Week 7, Monday English in Practise, Day 26 Tables: x3 |
Spellings (oa, ow, o_e):
List 1 float joke croak elbow |
List 2 boss moss loss toss |
bricfeasta - breakfast lón - lunch |
Obair bhaile 7 Deireadh Fómhair
Mental Maths, Week 6, Thursday English in Practise, Day 25 Tables: x2 |
List 1 firework alive delight describe alright firework alive delight dive tied dryer tried life high flies spying |
List 2 pass mess less miss bill fill hill will fell sell well yell ball call fall wall |
D'ól mé - I drank D'ith mé - I ate freastalaí - waiter bialann - restaurant ag ól - drinking ag ithe - eating prataí - potatoes sceallóga - chips |
Obair bhaile 6 Deireadh Fómhair
Mental Maths, Week 6, Wednesday English in Practise, Day 24 Tables: x2 |
List 1 alright firework alive delight dive tied dryer tried life high flies spying |
List 2 bill fill hill will fell sell well yell ball call fall wall |
freastalaí - waiter bialann - restaurant ag ól ag ithe prataí - potatoes sceallóga - chips |
Obair bhaile 5 Deireadh Fómhair
Mental Maths, Week 6, Tuesday English in Practise, Day 23 Tables: x2 |
List 1 dive tied dryer tried life high flies spying |
List 2 fell sell well yell ball call fall wall |
ag ól ag ithe prataí - potatoes sceallóga - chips |
RANG A 3 2021/22
Obair bhaile 4 Deireadh Fómhair
Mental Maths, Week 6, Monday English in Practise, Day 22 Tables: x2 |
List 1 life high flies spying |
List 2 ball call fall wall |
prataí - potatoes sceallóga - chips |
Obair bhaile 30 Meán Fómhair
Mental Maths, Week 5, Thursday English in Practise, Day 21 Tables: + - 9, 10, 11, 12 |
reef greed neat reach eve beach teacher theme coffee teapot thirteen evening beanstalk underneath agreement compete |
cé mhéad? - How many? teaghlach - family tháinig mé - I came ag teacht - coming paistí - children luascán - swing tar éis tamaill - after a while isteach - inside |
Obair bhaile 29 Meán Fómhair
Mental Maths, Week 5, Wednesday English in Practise, Day 20 Tables: + - 9, 10, 11, 12 |
reef greed neat reach eve beach teacher theme coffee teapot thirteen evening |
cé mhéad? - How many? teaghlach - family tháinig mé - I came ag teacht - coming paistí - children luascán - swing |
Obair bhaile 28 Meán Fómhair
Mental Maths, Week 5, Tuesday English in Practise, Day 19 Tables: + - 9, 10, 11, 12 |
reef greed neat reach eve beach teacher theme |
cé mhéad? - How many? teaghlach - family tháinig mé - I came ag teacht - coming |
Obair bhaile 27 Meán Fómhair
Mental Maths, Week 5, Monday English in Practise, Day 18 Tables: + - 9, 10, 11, 12 |
reef greed neat reach |
cé mhéad? - How many? teaghlach - family |
Obair bhaile 23 Meán Fómhair
Mental Maths, Week 4, Thursday English in Practise, Day 17 Tables: + - 5, 6, 7, 8 |
stay tail male spray shape crayon praying mainly layer escape pancake birthday yesterday waiting decade |
dearthair - brother deirfiúr - sister Mamó - granny Daideo - grandad salach - dirty tháinig mé - I came aintín - auntie uncail - uncle |
Obair bhaile 21 Meán Fómhair
Mental Maths, Week 4, Tuesday English in Practise, Day 15 Tables: + - 5, 6, 7, 8 |
stay tail male spray shape crayon praying |
dearthair deirfiúr Mamó Daideo |
Obair bhaile 20 Meán Fómhair
Mental Maths, Week 4, Monday English in Practice, Day 4 Tables: + - 5, 6, 7, 8 |
stay tail male |
dearthair deirfiúr |
Obair bhaile 16 Meán Fomhair
Mental Maths, Week 3, Thursday English in Practice, Day 13 Tables: + - 1, 2, 3, 4 |
Spellings: List 1, Digraphs
mimic laptop sank neck magpie rapid quench rescue jumped disagree correct mushroom raincoat spoilsport backyard swimming |
aois - age súile - eyes gruaig - hair Tá mé i mo chonaí .... - I live in..... Chuaigh mé - I went ainm - name dhúisigh mé - I woke up ocht - eight |
Obair bhaile 15 Meán Fomhair
Mental Maths, Week 3, Wednesday English in Practice, Day 12 Tables: + - 1, 2, 3, 4 |
Spellings: List 1, Digraphs
mimic laptop sank neck magpie rapid quench rescue jumped disagree correct mushroom |
aois - age súile - eyes gruaig - hair Tá mé i mo chonaí .... - I live in..... Chuaigh mé - I went ainm - name |
Obair bhaile 14 Meán Fomhair
Mental Maths, Week 3, Tuesday English in Practiec, Day 11 Tables: + - 1, 2, 3, 4 |
Spellings: List 1, Digraphs
mimic laptop sank neck magpie rapid quench rescue |
aois - age
súile - eyes
gruaig - hair
Tá mé i mo chonaí .... - I live in.....
aois - age
súile - eyes
gruaig - hair
Tá mé i mo chonaí .... - I live in.....
OBAIR BHAILE 13 MEÁN Fomhair 2021
Dear Parent,
We hope your child has settled in well into school so far this year. If you have any questions please let us know. Homework will be written in your child's journal every day and it will also be available at this page. We look forward to a great year of hard work and fun.
Kind regards,
3rd class teachers
We hope your child has settled in well into school so far this year. If you have any questions please let us know. Homework will be written in your child's journal every day and it will also be available at this page. We look forward to a great year of hard work and fun.
Kind regards,
3rd class teachers
Written Work:
Mental Maths, Week 3 Monday English in Practise, Day 10 |
Spellings: List 1
mimic laptop sank neck |
aois - age súile - eyes |
page 13 and 14 (Homework Journal) + and - 1, 2, 3, & 4 |