The St.Seachnall's Gardening Team is made up of children from Mrs McHugh and Miss Shannon's 5th classes. They are very hard-working and eager, and have transformed the school garden despite all the rain and hailstones in March and April.
This year some other classes got involved too. Miss Sheils and the Gardening team could not have managed without them.
The Junior Infant classes planted tulips and daffodils in autumn. Every year the new pupils do this. We had so many flowers in springtime, we even had to recently dig up some bulbs to make room for our summer bedding plants. We have wrapped up the bulbs safely and will find a new place to plant them in Autumn.
First class planted marigold seeds, peas and beans. They also helped with the weeding, and there was a HUGE amount of weeding!!! Eleanor one of our SNA's is an expert with a shovel and the children quickly learned what scutch grass was!
Miss O'Sullivan's 2nd class and Miss Kanes 3rd class have been a huge help to us this year. They have been looking after all the plants that are not yet strong enough to go outside.
Miss Kane's class made our lovely colourful bird feeders. They really enjoyed making them and they add beautiful colour to our garden. It goes without saying the birds are really pleased with them too!
MIss Kanes children also planted beetroot, cherry bell radish and spring onions. Some children from 3rd class also took on painting the wall and the Senior Infants have had great fun watching the garden and it's surroundings transform as they play at breaktimes.
Mrs Gallogly's 4th class planted beautiful Hyacinths in the Autumn and they were in bloom just in time to decorate our table for Catholic Schools Week. They also are having a competition at the moment to see who can grow the tallest sunflower.
Mr Murphy's 6th class also got involved by planting spinach, peas and cress.
Pat our caretaker repainted the wall of the garden and painted the furniture in the outdoor classroom. Last week he helped us put up signs that Mary one of the SNA's donated and also erected 'Jeff' the scarecrow.
The Gardening Team want to say a huge thank-you to all those classes who got involved this year. It was great fun having children of all ages take part and we learned lots of new things along the way. A big thank-you to Eleanor and Pat, we really appreciate your help!
In the coming months we would like to buy a rain barrel for our school. We think this would be a great way to reuse water and save money. We also have a wormery in storage and hope to introduce some worms to it again in the autumn.
Miss Sheils took some photos along they way. We hope you enjoy our slide show!
From the 5th Class Gardening Team.
This year some other classes got involved too. Miss Sheils and the Gardening team could not have managed without them.
The Junior Infant classes planted tulips and daffodils in autumn. Every year the new pupils do this. We had so many flowers in springtime, we even had to recently dig up some bulbs to make room for our summer bedding plants. We have wrapped up the bulbs safely and will find a new place to plant them in Autumn.
First class planted marigold seeds, peas and beans. They also helped with the weeding, and there was a HUGE amount of weeding!!! Eleanor one of our SNA's is an expert with a shovel and the children quickly learned what scutch grass was!
Miss O'Sullivan's 2nd class and Miss Kanes 3rd class have been a huge help to us this year. They have been looking after all the plants that are not yet strong enough to go outside.
Miss Kane's class made our lovely colourful bird feeders. They really enjoyed making them and they add beautiful colour to our garden. It goes without saying the birds are really pleased with them too!
MIss Kanes children also planted beetroot, cherry bell radish and spring onions. Some children from 3rd class also took on painting the wall and the Senior Infants have had great fun watching the garden and it's surroundings transform as they play at breaktimes.
Mrs Gallogly's 4th class planted beautiful Hyacinths in the Autumn and they were in bloom just in time to decorate our table for Catholic Schools Week. They also are having a competition at the moment to see who can grow the tallest sunflower.
Mr Murphy's 6th class also got involved by planting spinach, peas and cress.
Pat our caretaker repainted the wall of the garden and painted the furniture in the outdoor classroom. Last week he helped us put up signs that Mary one of the SNA's donated and also erected 'Jeff' the scarecrow.
The Gardening Team want to say a huge thank-you to all those classes who got involved this year. It was great fun having children of all ages take part and we learned lots of new things along the way. A big thank-you to Eleanor and Pat, we really appreciate your help!
In the coming months we would like to buy a rain barrel for our school. We think this would be a great way to reuse water and save money. We also have a wormery in storage and hope to introduce some worms to it again in the autumn.
Miss Sheils took some photos along they way. We hope you enjoy our slide show!
From the 5th Class Gardening Team.